Yeah Buddy the second ;D

Yeah Buddy the second ;D
Yeah Buddy the second ;D

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Villanelle :D

They are forced to walk to their last breath.
Walking and walking, children, women and men.
Fighting the leader who will cause their death.

They try to escape from their cruel fate
struggling against hunger and pain when
They are forced to walk to their last breath.

They leave fallen people behind in a mess
Damned by their color, faith and religion and
Fighting the leader who will cause their death.

Times goes by, poeple get less
faith in surviving this cruel deed when
they are forced to walk to their last breath

Not a single one is allowed to rest
nor worth enough to live because they were
Fighting the leader who will cause their death.

Destroying the evidence for the leader's best
wiping out everybody in his way
they are forced to walk to their last breath
for fighting the leader who will cause their death.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pantouuuuuum!! :D

I am sailing through storm and rain
with my boat as red as blood, my garments green as grass.
I go where the wind takes me
fated to light up the darkness

With my blood red boat, my grass-green garments
I travel to all villages
fated to light up the darkness
and bring hope to the world

The folks living in the villages
call me a hero that travels through time
and brings hope to the world
with his holy, gleaming sword

They call me a hero that travels through time
I slain all creatures and defeat all evil
with my holy, gleaming sword
to free the holy maid from her fate

To banish all creatures and all evil
I am led by the wind and follow its will
To find her soul and free her from her fate
I am sailing through storm and rain.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Vocabulary Words .. succinct . facade .. April 6st

Succinct (adjective)

The succinct speech helped her to understand the problem.

facade (noun)

Her facade changed when she read the letter which told her she didn't get accepted.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Vocabulary Words .. elucidate . acquiescence .. April 6st

elucidate (verb)

He elucidated the problem to her.

acquiescence (noun) 

They found on an acquiescence by agreeing on the problem.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Vocabulary Words .. sundry . begrudge .. April 6st

Sundry (adjective)

The sundry selection of chocolate in the store was unbelievable.

begrudge (verb)

I begrudged her for her win in the game.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Vocabulary Words .. venerable . uncourth .. April 1st

venerable (adjective)

The venerable man was honored to be named in the service last sunday.

uncouth (adjective)

His uncouth behavior got him into a lot of trouble.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Vocabulary Words .. subpoena . fey .. April 1st

Subpoena (noun) The man became a subpoena because of the accusation that he murdered his neighbor.

fey (adjective) Her fey way to move reminded him of a ballet dancer